Available services - Matthew Trout

Fields of expertise

Service delivery platform development

I have designed, implemented and maintained high-volume, mass-availability application platforms and can enable you to provision reliable, cost-effective services for both the internet and intranets.

Systems automation

My substantial work on ISP platforms has given me familiarity of the organisational need to automate the management of users and configuration. I can design, implement and integrate a reliable infrastructure to provide automation capability tailored to the way your business environment operates.

Web applications and web services

My knowledge of standards such as XHTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, SOAP and WSDL with understanding of user and service-oriented application models allows me to provide effective, accessible and interoperable interfaces for your presence on the web.

Technical Skills

Operating Systems

Linux - Red Hat 6.2+, Fedora, Slackware, Debian, Gentoo

Solaris - 2.5+

BSD - BSDi 4+, FreeBSD 4+, NetBSD 1.5+

My general unix knowledge is strong and I am able to adjust quickly to new variants, being familiar with a variety of shells (sh, csh, ksh, bash), rc script styles and package management systems.

Windows - Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 servers, Windows NT/2000/XP desktops

Cisco IOS - various including routers, AS5300 RAS systems and PIX firewalls

Server applications

Apache (http/https) 1.x, 2.x inc. mod_perl, mod_php, mod_rewrite, mod_headers

Radiator (radius) - 2.x, 3.x

qmail (SMTP) - 1.03 inc. systems integration of various extensions

MySQL (SQL) - 3.x, 4.x

BIND (DNS) - 4.x, 8.x, 9.x

SQL Server (SQL) - 7, 2000

Sendmail (SMTP) - 8.x

qmail-pop3d and courier-IMAP (POP3, IMAP) - inc. integration with other systems

Programming languages

I have several years' commercial experience with the following languages -

Perl, SQL, C, bourne shell

I have some commercial experience with the following languages -

PHP, Python, Java, Visual Basic, VB.Net, C#

Development methods

Object Orientation and Domain Modelling


Networking and protocol design

Database schema design and normalisation

Event Driven programming

Model/View/Controller methodology

Agile development

Personal Details

Contact details

Tel: 07789 751 042

E-mail: cv@trout.me.uk

Website: http://www.trout.me.uk/

Open Source Projects

I've written a number of perl modules available on CPAN under id mstrout

I've written a few small packages to help with qmail deployments, available from my website

Academic Qualifications

A-levels: B Physics, C Chemistry, C Biology, C French

Degree: BSc (Hons.) 2-1 in Mathematics

Employment History

Internet Technician, b-1st, Sep-Dec 2000

Junior Programmer, Business Serve plc, Dec 2000 - Apr 2001

Programmer, Business Serve plc, Apr 2001 - Aug 2001

Systems Administrator, Autonomy, Aug 2001 - Oct 2001

Internet Systems Developer, Business Serve plc, Oct 2001 - Nov 2003

Network Programmer, Business Serve plc, Nov 2003 - May 2004

Internet Services Developer, Netcraft, May 2004 - Sep 2004

Freelance, Sep 2004 - present